Monday 9 December 2013

Technically Day 16!

So it's taken me 27 days to do 16 workouts. I've been to the gym 3 times as well. Friday I had a lovely swim, jacuzzi and sauna with my friend C, who I usually go running with but it's freezing now.

Then Saturday I had to do a ton of Christmas shopping - was pretty healthy and ordered an egg sandwich on brown instead of cake with my mum! She had a yummy yogurt flapjack, so I traded a corner ;-) I am definitely more of a sandwich person and actually had a late breakfast so technically that was lunch.

Then Sunday (yesterday) I did Insanity Cardio Circuit first thing. Better to do it in the morning to get it out of the way before you have a shower. I wish I could do that in the weekday but I don't have time. It was harder than I remember - a few days off is the killer. That's why it's an everyday plan with 1 day off. Weirdly, I find the press ups get easier when i'm on the 3rd set. 

Just as well I did the workout - we had a roast lamb dinner at my mother-in-law's and then had dinner out with friends, argh! I had 2 small glasses of rose wine too. But as I decided not to go to my Christmas party on Fri night in favour of the pool, I think that's okay. Also, I must've had about 6 portions of veg yesterday - curly kale, carrots, leeks, peas, broccoli and swede.

I tried gurnard - a type of fish - for the first time last night. It was wrapped in parma ham and was delicious. I might try and do that myself if I can find it!

Only this week and next week at work, then 10 days of for Christmas, ahhhhhhhhhhh! I can't wait!!!
Because we got married in June and had 2.5 weeks off, I haven't had any holiday since then! This Weds arvo we're going to a spa as a treat for husband's birthday :) 

I'm also going for a Christmassy dinner with the girls tonight, so will workout tomorrow eve and Weds AM for sure. What's quite funny, is that recovery week is Christmas week! I'll probably supplement with swimming as it's nice to have the time to fully take advantage of the sauna, jacuzzi and steam room.

So anyway, still carrying on with it. Trying to fit it in as much as I physically can. If it takes me 3 months to do the whole thing, then that's fine if it's the best I can do (or so i'm telling myself!).

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