Monday 2 December 2013

Gym day

I was in the gym last night for 5.20 to meet a friend, but she was about 40 minutes late so once she arrived I did a workout with her too! Having already done mine! I didn't leave the gym floor until 7pm! I did 20 mins bike, 20 mins fast run (10.5km), 5 mins fast row level 7/10 (I did 1000m 20 secs faster than EVER!). Then I went on the mat and did arms weights, 3 and 4kg, then ab moves from Insanity and knee push ups.

I was cream crackered afterwards! (knackered)

I was really healthy yesterday and had a small bowl of Alpen with raspberries and milk, then mid morning 2 black pepper Ryvita on their own, then for lunch I had a 320 cal Covent Garden Chicken Soup, with a 100 cal yogurt and an apple, then as a snack a slice of granary with light butter. For dinner I had a small steak with onion and garlic cous cous, couple of tablespoons of half fat mayo, and broccoli. With teas and coffees about 1,800 cals and burnt about 450 in the gym.

A girl in the gym was telling me about the 5-2 diet as she's looking really slim since I last saw her, around the middle where I want to trim up. She said that surprisingly on her low calorie day she has loads of energy - she'd just done a spin class. I might try it for a week but I don't know how I could go a day with only 500 calories while exercising. Maybe for my day off... Apparently because your body is always digesting, if you give it a break then it regenerates cells instead. May have to read into this malarkey. The only diet that's ever worked for me is the Dukan but I was too strict and was on protein only too long. Basically looked so thin at 8 stone 12. Now i'm 11lb heavier, agh! I should basically just eat half what I do and not pick when i'm cooking!!

So tonight is 100% fit test! After surprising myself with all of that exercise yesterday and a personal best on the rowing machine, i'm feeling quite positive!!! :)

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