Saturday 28 December 2013

Glass half full

I managed to squeeze in 25 mins of a 40 min workout yesterday (Plyometric Cardio Circuit), due to having a vet appointment in the morning and general rushing around - cleaning house, massive food shop (tons of meat at half price, winner) and seeing friends. 

But I like to see the glass as half full - at least I managed to do some of it. Those first 25 mins are tough and I was still sweating. Went to use the hairdryer and husband had taken it to a golf day and dinner (says it all really) so I thought I could use a US one with an adapter that I bought on holiday last year when the apartment we were staying in was sans hairdryer. 

BIG MISTAKE. I turned on the hairdryer and there was a big flash of light, bad smoke, explosion smell and my hands went black. Luckily I didn't blow up the house and it only tripped the switch - but it gave me a big shock, literally. I won't be playing with electrics again any time soon!

I ate quite randomly yesterday as I was out of food, except for a yogurt, couple of slices of toast with lightest Lurpak and a mushroom cuppa soup. 

£150 later and I now have a whole fridge full of 2 weeks worth of pretty damn healthy food which i'm starting on today. I had quite a few cocktails last night but i'm driving tonight. I never go out with my friends drinking as I usually drive, so for once I drank and this morning I feel fine. I was in bed before midnight and before I went to bed I had some potato and chickpea salad with some bread and smoked salmon. I'd already had half of the salad with some crisps to line my stomach before I went out. Not exactly a healthy day but hey ho.

I also cleaned the house - but today i'm going to pick up something in the sale that's quite exciting (ok for me it is!) - a steam mop!! I want shiny, shiny floors after i've been sweating on them from Insanity hehe!

Today is meant to be cardio recovery but i'm going skip to pure cardio and cardio abs instead. That is 100% my hardest workout - so a pennance for last night ;-)

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