Saturday 16 November 2013

They call it RECOVERY?!!?!

Hmm so last night was Cardio Recovery AKA what I would call toning exercises. So yes, I give Shaun T the fact that it wasn't cardio, but it wasn't bloody recovery let me tell you!!! It was a lot of toning up the core with slow moves, squat and lunge work - basically til your legs were screaming.

Well, today I woke up without sore muscles but from the moment I had a small glass of red wine last night I had the mother-of-all-headaches which continued through the night and my head is still thumping. Could be a number of things - work/study stress, dehydration, the wine, or not doing this workout properly... 

I've worked something out - I actually fancy Shaun T, ha ha! *ahem* I think because he's an optimistic and positive person - he always says the right things to keep you pushing on. The PT's in the gym I go to are so arrogant that I don't ever want to approach them. They use about 4 pieces of equipment at a time on 1 person and even when they're not actively using them, they still ask you to leave them alone as they'll be on there in a minute, grr!

So if Insanity goes well then i'll buy the next 30 day phase called Insanity Asylum. I may even quite the gym as it'll be January by then when people go crazy and you can't even find a parking space, let alone a free weight! I do love swimming though and i'd miss that, but is it worth £40 a month to go for a swim a couple of times a week? Hmm...jury is out.

I still can't believe I have today and tomorrow until rest day! I think this will be the most days in a row i've ever worked out! 

Food-wise, I had 2 eggs scrambled for breakfast with some non fat salami, then lunch was tuna salad with a few new potatoes, then I had turkey breast wrapped in salami with a couple of new potatoes, asparagus and broccoli.Then I craved a small glass of red wine with a slice of cheese on these amazing chili crackers I found. Thank god I wasn't in work yesterday as they had a huge charity cake bake and I would've caved in! But anyway, I blame the wine for the headache, although as I write it seems to be subsiding :)

Also, last night I couldn't escape from depressing TV - first life of Pi, so sad that I switched off with an hour left, then Children In Need about these 2 brothers still babies who had a disorder and died from flu together, so I then switched over to a film which was about a woman dying of cancer and how her husband and child coped! OMG. Terrible evening of me blubbing, hence glass of wine!!

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