Friday 15 November 2013

Cardio Power & Resistance

Oddly I was actually looking forward to the workout last night. It must be the promise of abs that's getting me off the couch! Husband also didn't go to the gym and did the workout with me again. It's nice to do it together, although he's off to a stag do this weekend so i'll be on my own.

So Day 3: Cardio Power & Resistance. Apparently this is easy compared to next month's workouts, but I found it hard going. I did get all the way through and only once did press ups on my knees. I made sure no heating was on in the house first so the room was quite cold in comparison to the day before where it was like a sauna and I had to open all of the window to bugs!

I had a cheeky weigh in yesterday morning and have already lost 1lb! I go up and down a lot, but these workouts are killing me so i'm sure they're making a difference. 

I'm annoyed I couldn't start on a Monday to get Sunday as my rest day, as I did Bodypump in the gym instead and my DVD's arrived on the Tuesday and I wanted to begin straight away as i'm a bridesmaid for my sister-in-law next weekend. She's on a juice diet (which I couldn't do) so this suits me. So unsure whether to carry on without a rest day, or just have Monday as my rest day. Maybe that's better because i'm normally less tired on a Sunday so can put more time and effort into the last workout of the week.

For breakfast I had a couple of slices of salami and a 100 cal non fat fruit yogurt. For a snack I had sour cream baked crisps 99 cal, then lunch was leftover small portion of low fat turkey bolognese with wholewheat pasta and salad. Had a small afternoon blip for chocolate - only had 4 of those US Hershey kisses and had a 100 cal non fat raspberry jelly pot. Straight after the workout had dinner - 150g sirloin steak, 5 boiled potatoes, salad with balsamic dressing and a corn on the cob with some butter. 

I must admit, i've given up putting everything into My Fitness Pal. I've done it for about a year and it always says I should be 6lb lighter from what i've eaten. I don't measure everything and if i'm under cals I think, oh I can eat a bit more of that XYZ. I know what's healthy and what's not, so i'm concentrating my efforts on making choices instead. I'll write here what i've had most days though but not calorie count too much.

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